Winter has arrived, San Diego style – No snow just a little rain. Our garden plants are so happy.
I have been working on what has turned out to be a major project that will be officially announced soon. Until then I’m sharing a couple easy projects that my young sewing student has and will be making.
He made this small zippered pillow. I offered him three fabrics and he selected the one, I think, was the classiest. It has a different bird on the front and back.
It turned out so cute. Next he’ll be making a center piece/short table runner so I made this fabric for him to use…

I haven’t cut out paper snowflakes in a long time, it was so fun. They are cut from freezer paper (gosh, I love that stuff!). I mixed up a thin paint using Jacquard Textile Color and water in a little spray bottle, ironed the flakes onto the white fabric (placed on a protected surface), and sprayed away. So quick and easy and I love the result! I’m sure some of you could come up with a good use for the snowflakes (the ones I didn’t tear apart in my excitement to see the finished fabric). They could, of course, be reused to make more fabric. Now they are blue on one side and white on the other.
Happy Winter Solstice!