One of my favorite things to do in the studio is to transform white cotton fabric into painted sky fabric. Here are three little skies that kick off the same landscape. The sky is what determines where I will go when selecting fabric for the other elements. The landscapes (or waterscapes) will not look like they came from the same master line drawing in the end… I love that!
Painting skies

By Ann Scott
I started sewing and designing using fabric, thread, and paper when I was a child. I taught myself to make quilts, at first not following the "rules," then watched some experts, learned the rules, and made many hand quilted and appliqued quilts. I spent years focusing on miniature landscape quilts. Now I am a fiber and mixed media artist and that encompasses everything I have a passion for. I have taught, lectured, and my work have show nationally and internationally, some pieces have been published.
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