A while back Visions Art Museum had challenge call to their members with the theme being Wild Comfort. I immediately came up with an idea; feet in slippers up on an ottoman with curtain backdrop, all animal prints.

Then time passed, holidays, leaky roof, extending a fence, my sewing machine started *ghost sewing, and more, which all got in the way of me starting the quilt. It had to be just 14″ square and I’m sure many could finish it in a day but I often have this problem with over thinking and of having an idea but no plan as to how to execute it in fabric.
Anyway, about a week before the deadline I decide to just move forward and if it didn’t turn out or it ended badly, I just wouldn’t submit it. I ended up finishing before the deadline and I liked my little art quilt.
I painted zebra stripes for the curtain and added yarn trim to the lower edge. I painted the wooden floor and quilted grain lines.

I was using actual black socks but in the end decided they were too heavy in appearance. The lounge pants are made from a pair of pajama bottoms.
Because I’m still very comfortable with handwork and knew I wouldn’t be able to get the best results using the machine I decided to do a hand blanket stitch (on two layers of felt), and while I was at it I hand appliqued the slipper on the right before I machine quilted it. That was so I could stuff it with wool batting, something I hadn’t planned to do… cuz, you know, no plan.

Instead of the black socks I used some sweet flannel with soft pink poke-a-dots that was leftover from the last baby quilt I made butI painted over the dots using bright pink and made paw prints.
The piping on the ottoman was just black fabric covered cord and adding it to the fleece was not fun. It caused me to think the title should have been – What was I thinking, that fleece will never block! But for this little art quilt and the theme, my daughter came up with the perfect title: Reclinaconda

*Ghost sewing (according to me) is when the sewing machine just goes, on it’s own, and fast! It may just be a sensor thing. After cleaning the foot pedal and the bobbin, thankfully I was able to get rid of the ghost and finish this quilt!
Yes,you rightly discarded the black socks. What a fun, cozy piece. The only addition I can suggest is a book beside the slippers. Ghost sewing, hmmm, sometimes my machine does that and I worry its mother board is going.
The book is a good idea, I thought about a mug of a steaming beverage but time and my enthusiasm ran out. I’m glad to know you agree with the sock veto! Unless under warranty, I’m guessing to replace a mother board would be an expensive proposition.