I’m working up a new Curious.com lesson and I thought I knew exactly where I was headed but the gel print plate disagreed! I did end up getting a mono print on paper that I’ll use somewhere but it’s useless for the lesson. Maybe I’ll do some MeAnndering in the white areas or some stamping for note cards, or you know, put it in a drawer and not think about it right now!

I’m happy with the background fabric, it is an easier technique than I teach in my older video, at least for a mini art piece. I’ll share more, even the whoopsies, as I go along… Always learning!

Sometimes I think there’s more to learn from failures than successes. The hard part is figuring out what went wrong. The background fabric reminds me of the sea shore.
I agree with you regarding failures. Your interpretation of the background fabric surprised me. I wouldn’t have seen that, I think mostly because of all the yellow. I hope you and yours are staying safe; we have heard the weather is even colder than usual.
I think it’s because the yellow reminds me of the sun glare I associate with the beach.