Wild busy setting up my booth (Quilt Sales), with great helpers at the San Diego Quilt Show that will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We have over 129 quilts for sale… and one pillow! New and antique in most every style. We’ve already sold some quilts and we aren’t officially open!
We set up for two days before the show actually opens and as with every year I’m blown away by the fact that our membership is an all volunteer organization.

My Mister has helped with the show for years and this year he handled moving storage (with our son, who has also been sucked into the vortex for many years!) and driving the truck. It was a pretty big truck but looks tiny in the yet to be filled space!

On another subject – I’m happy to be scheduled to teach my leaf painting class once again at Visions Art Museum on October 5th… the perfect class to “fall” into!
I have much to post but making art keeps getting in the way!