I’m back but going forth! Though I haven’t posted for a while I have been in the studio working on online lessons for Curious.com and a few other things. The wheels are turning with new ideas and projects I want to make. Now I’m getting ready to leave for a little R&R with my Mister, which may be hard to get with projects looming in my brain. But I look forward to peace and quiet.
I know I will be doing a lot of walking while away because that is what we do – self guided tours of wherever we go. Last week Mister and I were taking a morning walk and just as a large dark shadow passed overhead I heard a little splat sound. Bird plus splat usually equals something messy on a hat or shirt. But not this time. I looked down and rocking on the ground was a tiny egg shell. I suspect that dark shadow flew off with breakfast, dropping the empty shell as it escaped. The “Circle of Life” always makes me a little sad! Anyway I leave you with this art piece, yet to be quilted… What do you think about this tentative title – “The Watchers”?

Oh I love this piece! And I like the title as well. Because I feel like that
is what they are always doing. Watching….waiting…for anything they
might find to devour. I really like the fence. What a great idea!!
Hi Kelly, Thank you for the kind comment. It sounds like you “get it” !