My daughter, Zoey, was kind enough to draw a cat head pattern for me so that I could MeAnnder (aka doodle) on paper. She works digitally and makes it look so easy! Up under the Patterns and Supply List tab I’ve added the cat head pattern uncolored; for those of you who like to doodle and another cat head that I MeAnndered, so it’s ready for you color! I used felt tip markers but crayons, color pencils, or paints could be used instead. If you and/or someone you know uses the patterns I’d love to see the finished masterpieces!

Coming soon I’ll be sharing a couple MeAnndered heart projects and another free pattern.
How fun are the cat head and the hearts! Would you mind if I shared these with my traditional quilt guild? Members may especially like the hearts design, given the time of year.
Thank you, Joanna, for the kind comment. Please do share the link and patterns. I have a short video (in editing) coming soon of a simple MeAnndered heart on fabric!