Last post I was writing about lizards copulating in the garden. Today as Kona and I were hanging out on the deck she became very alert at some noise coming from the side yard ivy. I heard it but couldn’t figure it out until I spotted it running past the shed… An iguana, at least two feet long! It was thirsty (it is pretty warm here today) and found the waterfall very quickly, ate some of the Evening Primrose (hope it’s not poisonous!) and some romaine I gave it, posed on the top of the waterfall and then moved down and perched on top of my garden bench under the tree (sorry, bad photo). Then he moved up into the tree, they are really fast! No one here was brave enough to catch it and what the heck would be have done with it if we had! There are dogs in the two yards that abut ours near that tree so we are hoping it doesn’t head that way. A couple hours later it was no longer in the tree. I just hope it doesn’t surprise me next time I’m out there!

Last post I also showed a bit of a quilt I have been working on. I had a pinched nerve so was slowed down for a couple days but I finally got it quilted (wool batting, lots of quilting) and blocked. Here is a photo of the back. Next I’ll paint the front and then post a photo (with an explanation), unless it is terrible in which case you may never see it!

Lizards aren’t often seen in NE Ohio, unless they’re lounge lizards. Then they wear the full Cleveland – a white belt and white shoes. You’re quite the tease, showing only the back side of your work. Will your painting following the quilting? If the front doesn’t work out I think you should display the back, and don’t tell anybody it’s the back.
“…white belt and white shoe.” You crack me up! I just finished painting the quilt and I may change my mind once it is upright but now I’m very happy with it. I painted after the quilting, which I have done before but never an entire top. Took me a bit to get up the courage and go for it. Funny you should say that about the painting; just yesterday I was trying to decide if I would paint the back instead of the front. This morning I realized I wanted the patchwork (which I put together in a stupid way (not sewn), causing me great grief during quilting) to show, so painting the original front won out. As always, I appreciate you visiting my blog and commenting.