On my continued search through old photos I found several photos of projects that are quilt and fabric related. Again, I apologize for the photos, some of these are projects from twenty or more years ago… or long before the Internet as we now know it!
I didn’t worry about the projects being original back then, many were made before I had a fiber art business (or computer) and were only gifted to family. So I did use other designs and/or traditional patterns. If any of you have been crafting for ages, like me, you may remember making items like these. I know hot pads are an item being made by many traditional and beginner quilters these days still.

The photo albums below were made over forty years ago. I’d forgotten I once knew how to crochet!
Baby photo album with crocheted detail Baby photo album with embroidered detail

Hot pads (hand quilted) More hot pads (hand quilted)


While my kids were in elementary school the joke was that I should have my own parking space because I was there so much, as a volunteer. Every year I made some type of “thank you,” end of year quilt for both of my kid’s teachers. At that time being there offered me the opportunity to place items for sale in the faculty workroom. I made a lot of tiny quilt pins, many from fussy-cut commercial fabrics but the ones I share here were all hand painted originals on fabric. I really loved making these little pins (I may have shown some on my blog in the past).

The angel was made for a special friend.
As I went through the photos I started to remember many more projects I made but never took a photos of. I’m so glad photographing projects is easier now.
I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane with me, and if it has given you any crafty ideas, all the better!
Oh yes, I remember making lots of large quilt blocks and hand quilting them as gifts. I gather you were painting fabric from early in your fiber career.
It’s interesting that you would say that. I never thought of myself as an artist who painted fabric until I started painting sky fabric. If I thought about it at all it was that – I’m painting ON fabric. But I’d say you are correct!
What a wonderful journey down memory lane, Ann! Thanks for taking us along with you.
Thank you for coming along!