Art in the Park

I’m happy to share that four of my pieces have been juried into Mission Trails Regional Park  ~ Art in the Park! More details may be found here – MTRPF Art in the Park The pieces are all from my Fiber and Photograph series and one of them has not been exhibited before. The photograph… Continue reading Art in the Park


A piece of fall from "Seasonal Triptych"

We have had a bit of a reprieve from the heat today. I do believe fall may be on its way although our summers often fool us by heating up again in October. Still I shouldn’t complain – our weather is beautiful. It had been too warm for working in the studio and so I have been… Continue reading Fall

Fuse and quilting

This little pieces was made before I did much fusing. It was a move away from hand applique and sadly the results were not what I planned for. But it ended up having a lot of dimension and I’m happy with the free motion quilting. That was really fun, no plan, just go for it!

A tease…

A detail of a new piece that will be in the next Member Challenge; Felting, at Visions Art Museum – Opening reception September 14, 5-7pm.

Coming to a close

It has been a pleasure to have artwork on exhibit at Visions Art Museum. The last day to see the Supporting Roles: Fiber and Photographs exhibition will be Sunday, August 25th, 2013. I’m pleased to say some of the pieces have sold. Thank you to the buyers. I’m happy to know my (and my son’s)… Continue reading Coming to a close

Doggy in the workplace

I spent last weekend with my sister and eight of our girl (I use the term loosely) cousins. One of them is a fantastic quilter and the mother of two adult sons and a Great Dane (her sixth). When she showed this photo to me I knew I had to post it. I always say… Continue reading Doggy in the workplace


wet on wet watered down acrylic on fabric

I’m finally sharing this little quilt. It was entered in a magazine contest but was not selected. Not too long ago I heard a successful wedding photographer say that “Photographs of the bride and groom wearing their wedding rings was passe, sooooo 1970s.” I understand what she is saying. I have seen rings staged in… Continue reading Finally…