For Sale and Giveaways

I hope this finds you safe and healthy. I’m very fortunate to be able to continue making and sharing artwork and art projects.

I’m looking forward to some new beginnings in the New Year and I’m starting now with a quilt for sale and a giveaway (see details below). If you haven’t already please subscribe to my blog so you’ll get email notifications for posts, future giveaways, and more.

This is Koi Patch an art quilt… and it’s for sale!

Koi Patch is a quilt I made in 2006, it measures 48″ x 43″ and is hand pieced, appliqued, and quilted (some minimal machine stitching). Made using commercial fabrics. It has a label and hanging sleeve. More detail images below. It is in “like new” condition, price $195 plus shipping, US only, no international sales. Payment accepted via PayPal. Please leave a comment or email me if interested in purchasing this quilt.

Sweepstakes – Giveaway… I’m giving away a set of four stitched fabric (one is painted paper) postcards that were created for my postcard class. Sweepstakes/giveaway begins Dec. 16, 2020 and ends Dec. 22, 2020.

To enter: You must live in the US only (no international entries), one entry per person. Leave a comment below that you would like to win the postcards and include your first and last name (or last initial). On Dec 23, 2020 I’ll use a random drawer and post the winner on my blog. Winner will email me their mailing information and I will mail the postcards ASAP. If I don’t hear from the winner within a week drawing date, I will run another random draw.

Stay tuned for future giveaways and thanks for stopping by!

By Ann Scott

I started sewing and designing using fabric, thread, and paper when I was a child. I taught myself to make quilts, at first not following the "rules," then watched some experts, learned the rules, and made many hand quilted and appliqued quilts. I spent years focusing on miniature landscape quilts. Now I am a fiber and mixed media artist and that encompasses everything I have a passion for. I have taught, lectured, and my work have show nationally and internationally, some pieces have been published.


  1. Great, Glen. Thank you for leaving the comment. I have mailed fabric postcards in the past, actually to myself as well as to others, and they have always made it just fine. Well, on one occasion the processing machine left a bit of a mark on the art/front side but most of it wiped off.

  2. I love making fabric cards and yours look so interesting. I’d love to win and be able to touch and feel.
    Happy Holidays

  3. Ann, thanks for the reminder about your give away. Your postcards are darling mini artworks. I would love to have one.

  4. Hi Ann,
    Glad to respond on the blog. Would love to win the Give- A – Way. I’ve always wanted to make postcards but have been hesitant to plunge in; I think seeing something tangible would get me going. I always admire your creativity, and generosity in sharing your work and techniques. I especially like that you often use elements of nature to create. Win or not, wishing you a good holiday season.

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