Hexagons and Giveaway

In my continuing quest to find any art I may be able to do during my recovery I have discovered many limitations. While cutting out these small hexagons, first with scissors and then rotary cutter, I was pushing and moving in ways I shouldn’t have been. Oh, boy, did I suffer the following day. Lesson… Continue reading Hexagons and Giveaway

For Sale and Giveaways

I hope this finds you safe and healthy. I’m very fortunate to be able to continue making and sharing artwork and art projects. I’m looking forward to some new beginnings in the New Year and I’m starting now with a quilt for sale and a giveaway (see details below). If you haven’t already please subscribe… Continue reading For Sale and Giveaways

Taking a walk…

One of my “kids” had an appointment and the other was going to the zoo to take photographs so I tagged along. I walked through Balboa Park which is where our world famous zoo is, stopping at the reflecting pond, it was nice to see this artist painting. It was a beautiful day and the… Continue reading Taking a walk…

Spring Surprises

We’ve lived in our house for over thirty years and though there have plenty of alligator lizard sightings this is the first year we have spotted them copulating – three pairs in two day! It looks like quite a violent act and can last for hours. Luckily kitty didn’t notice the pair next to the… Continue reading Spring Surprises

Not So Close to the Vest

I found some old photos of a few vests I made, taken before I owned a digital camera; the photos aren’t the best but I thought I would share them anyway. It was when I was going through my Seminole period! One was just an experiment in curvy piecing, though I’m pretty sure I hand… Continue reading Not So Close to the Vest