I have been working on background fabrics. While I was making Crackle Vessel I ran into a disaster with the background fabric. I ended up loving that background but the way I made it was the problem, it involved (homemade) texture paste and removing it was a huge mess.
So for now, no more texture paste on fabric. Here are a few new fabric and paper pieces I worked on today. I’ll share more about how they were made in a future post or video.

Paper Fabric print
When I hung this to dry it whipped onto itself wet and so I just rubbed it all over. It still has potential.

Thanks to those who entered the August/September giveaway/sweepstakes.

I’m not going to say who won what – it’ll be a surprise and happy mail. Even if you have before please email your mailing address to me at fiberdesignsbyann@gmail.com.
The winners are:
Karen G
Deborah F
Joyful Q
Cherie M
Chris W
I have a question for those of you who like to enter the giveaways – Would 5 or 6 inch squares of commercial fabric as a giveaway prize interest you? Please let me know in the comments, thanks.
I’ll announce another giveaway later this month. I’ll also share more painted and stitched fabric pieces and ideas.
Sorry to hear the texture paste gave you trouble, Ann. FYI… Fabric is always a viable prize option where I’m concerned. It’s my medium of choice.
Thank you, Ann,
I love receiving your fabrics. 6” pieces are pretty small for my preference, unless there is a large quantity of them to piece together. Perhaps a local give away in San Diego to pick up from you? How about a fabric trade among your followers?
Thank you, I appreciate your comment.
Thank you for the ideas and comment.
It’s such fun to just play with color and fabric. My worst experience was with flour paste on fabric. I thought I’d never get it all out.
It is fun! You do understand my experience with paste and fabric. This was so much worse, for me, than any flour paste I’ve dealt with. It took forever to get the flaky pieces off of my hands and trying to keep them out of the drain was near impossible. Always learning!