The little House Cat quilt is finished or is it? The peanut gallery is having a problem with the fact that is isn’t straight, well, specifically that the hanging tabs are different lengths. What do you think?

My thought with this piece was that the cat was sitting on fleece pad/blanket (green fabric) and it’s not straight or perfect so when I added the border, I just went with the shape.
I do have ideas for how I could make the hanging tag appear even but I’m not sure I’ll go there…maybe after you tell me your thoughts.
I’m really happy with the hanger though. It’s made from my paper clay version of catnip leaves on the left, and on the right, part of a cat toy; I added more feathers, yarn, and a piece of reclaimed jewelry.
My kitty, Kona, donated two more eye brow hairs and I’m pleased with the face.

I’ve been accused of slacking on my labels, oh well, here’s this one (just fused on). As I mentioned in an earlier post – After ripping out her first eyes I knew where the label was going, and it did.

This piece is approximately 16″ wide (the hanging dowel) by approximately 17″ tall, and may be for sale.
The weather here has been cool with even a little rain today, which we really need. So the kitty “resort” hasn’t gone outside and even though there was sun yesterday, somebody wasn’t a bit happy about not being able to go “outside” into the resort!
I had a studio dog by my side (usually laying on my feet) for over eight years and she never demanded what this cat does, LOL!
Look for a fabric giveaway/sweepstakes announcement next post. Until then I hope you enjoy the season and stay safe.
What happens when you reverse which tab is longest? Would it also make the bottom of your quilt angled? All I know about wonky is that you need to make something wonky enough it looks deliberate. Your hanger is a great reminder of a cat’s favorite treat.
Brilliant hanging device! The peanut gallery needs to pipe down, Ann. If you like Kona’s jaunty positioning, that’s all that matters!
I like your cat wall hanging! It’s great just the way it is. It’s an artistic statement!
I know what you mean about if it’s wonky, really make it wonky! Yes, to reverse the tabs would angle the quilt bottom and that would bother me. I have an idea that I’m going to try, just for the fun of it.Thanks.
Thank you. It still makes me laugh that this little piece has caused my family (aka peanut gallery) to chime in more than anything I’ve every made.
Thanks, I agree.