“That’s interesting” is sometimes the comment my Mister gives when looking at my art. He has been incredibly supportive through all these years of my art making, but sometimes when he doesn’t “get it,” or care for the art piece, he knows how to be diplomatic.
I found it very interesting that because the subject of my House Cat piece is familiar (our cat modeled), everyone here decided to chime in as to what I could or should do to make it better. They had valid observations and suggestions but got a big “NO, it’s done” from me.
And here’s why – After I finished quilting and thread painting a bit more, I decided not to bind it but to face it, primarily because the piece is odd shaped. But after I trimmed it I noticed one of the eyes was fraying… one of the eyes I tried to free-motion outline to get the fabric to stay down only to cause a lot of thread build up.
I never could cover the raw edge, so out came the seam ripper, scissors, lint roller, and hours later both eyes were removed.
Looking at this I want to say “Poor thing!” That’s the lint roller sheet with just some of the removed thread.
Now with the thread removed there was quite the perforated eye shape in the fabric, both the front and back. I figured the only thing I could do was hand embroider the eyes. I would have liked to have added more embroidery but between the floss and quilt sandwich I couldn’t get the needle through any longer. I thought about painting more reflection in the eyes, but – NO, I’m done!

But of course I had to add more thread painting and whiskers.

Initially I made whiskers by burning felt and stretching it and painting gesso on them, but in the end I used my cat’s found whiskers and eyebrows (I’d been saving). I’m still waiting for a couple more eyebrows. I haven’t decided yet, if that is clever or gross!

I’ve been looking at it too long and see all that could be better but it has been a fun project; from painting the fabrics to making the pattern, and stitching it…and as always I learned a lot. When I have the hanging dowel ready I’ll share a photo of the finished piece.
REMINDER – I have a giveaway going on; if you are interesting in entering but haven’t yet, please check out last weeks blog post for details. Be sure to tell me you want to be entered (in the comments of that post), so I’ll know you want to be entered.
Good to know I’m not the only one who gets “that’s interesting” as a family comment. I like the hand embroidered eyes better for your kitty, so, while I realize the hand embroidery was no fun, the product is worth it.
I think it was worth it too, thank you.
Oh boy, I’m the one giving the, “ah, that’s interesting” comments to my artist in residence…
Your embroidered eyes are more realistic and beautiful on this portrait. Also, thank you for confessing to saving the whiskers, I have a secret stash also that I question the reactions I will receive when I finally use them!
Oh, Gayle, you made me laugh out loud! Thank you, and I hope someday to find out how you used your whiskers.
I love how you embroidered the cats eyes!
Thank you!
If people can spin dog hair into yarn, you can certainly harvest cat whiskers, Ann!! I think you cat quilt turned out beautifully.
You make a good point and thank you!