Flowers and a New Video

The weather is warm here, some would say hot but as I have probably said before I’m cold if it gets much cooler than 75 degrees. The garden looks like spring with flowers, bees, birds, butterflies, and lizards!My first irises have come up. I didn’t plant these here, they were displaced when the back garden… Continue reading Flowers and a New Video


I just figured out a new way to cut my quilling strips! In a few of my online lesson videos I have demonstrated how I cut strips using two rules and a rotary cutter. Yesterday, a couple days after my Mister said in passing “You need a paper cutter” (while acting out the motion of… Continue reading Stripping


Well, I was moving along great, eating better and exercising more, getting the blood pressure and weight back in check, when I got totally sideswiped by shingles. It smacked me in the right side of my head and the swelling in my lip was so bad my husband accused me of getting Botox-ed. This nasty… Continue reading Sideswiped…