Wild Comfort

A while back Visions Art Museum had challenge call to their members with the theme being Wild Comfort. I immediately came up with an idea; feet in slippers up on an ottoman with curtain backdrop, all animal prints. Then time passed, holidays, leaky roof, extending a fence, my sewing machine started *ghost sewing, and more,… Continue reading Wild Comfort

Museum Visit

The Day of the Dead exhibit is over but I did get there to see it and the other four fantastic exhibit on display at Visions Art Museum (in partnership with New Americans Museum). When I walked in the first thing I noticed was actually the piece next to mine, it was so unique, the… Continue reading Museum Visit

Altered State

We live in a state that is sadly very much on fire. I have family and friends who have lost everything in past fires. It’s the one time I appreciate that I live in a built up area of the city, which (usually) makes it less likely fires will be big and bad. The fact… Continue reading Altered State

October Happenings

This month has flown by and I hope it’s not because at the end I’ll be a year older, haha! I taught a fun painted leaves class early in the month. My Unmasking the Soul piece is hanging at VAM but I haven’t made it there yet. On the 12th I gave a presentation to… Continue reading October Happenings

A Little Mixed Media

Below is a short video showing how I made the melted felt cups I used in my Unmasking the Soul piece. The video is the first in a series of simple steps to make this small mixed media decorative fabric envelope (gift tag, ornament, or ?). Here are a couple more pieces where I have… Continue reading A Little Mixed Media

Unmasking the Soul

I teased a bit about this project last post, there I shared some sculpted fingers and a painted eye, well, I didn’t used those fingers or the eye. I decided to use paper clay (keeping with the fiber materials) for the fingers/hand and paint the eyes on a flat surface (still on silk) instead of… Continue reading Unmasking the Soul

Work and Rest

We had a great quilt show but it wiped me out! It didn’t help that my cat was punishing me with 2am and 3am wake-up calls for not being around all week! Many quilts sold, as well as, one pillow and a few bags of vintage patchwork blocks. The quilts that hung in the show… Continue reading Work and Rest

San Diego Quilt Show!

Wild busy setting up my booth (Quilt Sales), with great helpers at the San Diego Quilt Show that will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We have over 129 quilts for sale… and one pillow! New and antique in most every style. We’ve already sold some quilts and we aren’t officially open! We set up… Continue reading San Diego Quilt Show!

More Painted Leaves

Back in June I had the pleasure of teaching my How to Paint Fabric Leaves class at Visions Art Museum . The class was full, with fifteen willing participants, who surprised the heck out of me. They were so enthusiastic and by the end of the class were experimenting and coming up with their own… Continue reading More Painted Leaves