Work in Progress

I’m looking forward to sharing the photograph and fiber/fabric pieces, that other artists have given me permission to share, in an upcoming blog post. For now I’ll give you a little look in to the piece I’m working on for that blog post. I’m not going to show it with the photograph until the piece… Continue reading Work in Progress

Memory Lane Landscapes

More fun findings… While going through my studio file cabinet I discovered photos and pieces from my miniature landscape class and earlier. The photos were from long ago, before digital photos, I sure wish I had better photos some of these pieces. I’m so happy for digital now! I can see now every little thing… Continue reading Memory Lane Landscapes

Painted Fabric Giveaways

I was hoping to share a new fabric painting video but just as I turned on my overhead lights to video the bulbs sizzled out and I had to leave the studio because of the noxious fumes. So here’s an oldie but, I think, a goodie. Read details below for fabric giveaway/sweepstakes. I plan to… Continue reading Painted Fabric Giveaways

Revisiting Earth Day

Back on Earth Day my Mister and I took an early morning walk through the Balboa Park Cactus and Rose Gardens. It was a soft gray sky morning, which made the walk much more enjoyable. I photographed many neat plants but this agave really caught my eye and my imagination… I see a baby bird… Continue reading Revisiting Earth Day

Bonsai, Fiber, and Passion

Many years ago someone asked me “What do you do?” I answered “I make miniature landscapes.” In those days that was where my focus was. His response surprised me… He said “You do Bonsai?!” I said “Oh, no, I work in fabric.” and he replied with a disappointed “Oh” and that was the end of… Continue reading Bonsai, Fiber, and Passion