Decisions and Change

I want to thank you for reading my blog, I truly have appreciated your support and comments.I have always felt very fortunate to be able to spend my days making art, recently though I haven’t had blocks of time to really make the art that is most fulfilling to me. So I have to make… Continue reading Decisions and Change

Easy Additions

In the past when I presented live lectures to quilt guilds, one of the talks was about making the quilt more our own. We often use one main fabric to help select the other fabrics in a quilt, this is a twist on that. During my recovery ironing is not happening so please excuse any… Continue reading Easy Additions

More Fabric Fun

Now that I have discovered typing single handed (for me) is slower that slow, I’m going to make this as short as possible. The fabric pieces I’m sharing here were done with one hand, I do believe with two functioning hands I would have gotten better results. Some times it’s just more about having fun!… Continue reading More Fabric Fun