Nature and Art

I think all the rain has really caused Spring to SPRING around here. I’m finding all kinds of things to photograph on my walks… nature that has or will spark a work of art. Early yesterday I fished a tiny pale aqua colored bird’s egg shell out of our waterfall and set it on a… Continue reading Nature and Art

Snow and Art Quilts

The Mister and I recently took a road trip to visit family in Reno, Nevada. We have driven through heavy falling snow a couple times in the past; this was much more enjoyable. We were traveling after a storm, the hwy had been mostly plowed and was only a little icy. There was very little… Continue reading Snow and Art Quilts

Heart Art Gone Awry

A couple weeks ago I was working on a new Heart MeAnndering video. When I finished stitching I wasn’t happy with one of the petals, so I ripped it out, fixed it and added some French knots. Then before editing I discovered that at some point during filming I must have left the camera on… Continue reading Heart Art Gone Awry

A Little Fiber Fun

I’m finally getting back into the swings of things now that my studio has been relocated (yes, again!), maybe for the last time. Being settled in (and the time of year) gave me an itch to make something different. It’s still fiber and fabric, just not in an art quilt sort of way. If you… Continue reading A Little Fiber Fun


Well, I was moving along great, eating better and exercising more, getting the blood pressure and weight back in check, when I got totally sideswiped by shingles. It smacked me in the right side of my head and the swelling in my lip was so bad my husband accused me of getting Botox-ed. This nasty… Continue reading Sideswiped…

Christmas Past

Ages ago I made this door decoration and used it for years. I’m sorry I don’t have a better photo but it was long before digital cameras. I remember it being fun to make and I loved that it was different from the usual round wreath. Just a tree branch, a couple large sleigh bells,… Continue reading Christmas Past