Taking a walk…

One of my “kids” had an appointment and the other was going to the zoo to take photographs so I tagged along. I walked through Balboa Park which is where our world famous zoo is, stopping at the reflecting pond, it was nice to see this artist painting. It was a beautiful day and the… Continue reading Taking a walk…

Spring Surprises

We’ve lived in our house for over thirty years and though there have plenty of alligator lizard sightings this is the first year we have spotted them copulating – three pairs in two day! It looks like quite a violent act and can last for hours. Luckily kitty didn’t notice the pair next to the… Continue reading Spring Surprises

Snow and Art Quilts

The Mister and I recently took a road trip to visit family in Reno, Nevada. We have driven through heavy falling snow a couple times in the past; this was much more enjoyable. We were traveling after a storm, the hwy had been mostly plowed and was only a little icy. There was very little… Continue reading Snow and Art Quilts

I Don’t Do Hearts…

Well, I should say I didn’t do hearts! I’m not much of a heart person though I got married in February (38 years ago and not on Valentine’s Day) but I have a dear one who loves hearts and asked me to make her a small textile heart art piece for her newly renovated home.… Continue reading I Don’t Do Hearts…

Fabric Flowers a New Video

I have been having a lot of fun creating flowers for small art quilts and greeting cards. They may not be “fine” art but they are easy and (the cards are) useful and the flowers require very little thinking! Here is my newest video – How to Make Simple White Fabric Flowers. As you can… Continue reading Fabric Flowers a New Video

Quick Stitching

I have two living aunts, one lives near by and recently celebrated her 94th birthday. The other lives in Indiana and celebrated her 101st birthday this month! My mom was their baby sister. I remember years ago when my older aunt and I were talking quilting (she made many things including quilts), she couldn’t believe… Continue reading Quick Stitching

Stitching Flowers

Homemade cards have been something my family has made for years. We buy cards too but handmade cards have a special place in our hearts. I celebrated another birthday at the end of October (hopefully that explains the subject matter of the first card here) which was designed & made by my digital artist daughter.… Continue reading Stitching Flowers

A Good Kind of Exhaustion

If you have ever helped put on a major event you’ll understand how one feels joy and exhaustion at the same time. Joy that so many visitors and participants come together to experience quilt making and fiber art, and exhaustion for being part of, in this case, an all volunteer organization in an almost 55,000… Continue reading A Good Kind of Exhaustion

Fiber and Wood

I know technically wood is fiber but in this case it is second to the fabric fiber. Here is one of my mini art quilts, from the flora series, mounted on acrylic and displayed on a pieces of (old pallet) hardwood. The top is hand appliqued because at that time I didn’t realize just how… Continue reading Fiber and Wood