Painted Fabric Giveaways

I was hoping to share a new fabric painting video but just as I turned on my overhead lights to video the bulbs sizzled out and I had to leave the studio because of the noxious fumes. So here’s an oldie but, I think, a goodie. Read details below for fabric giveaway/sweepstakes. I plan to… Continue reading Painted Fabric Giveaways

The All White Landscape

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m making a series of lessons showing how I make different elements for a mini fabric landscapes. What I neglected to mention is that I would be starting with white fabric (Thank you, Snarky Quilter!). Here is the piece in progress, which means these pieces are not attached… Continue reading The All White Landscape

Always learning…

I’m working up a new lesson and I thought I knew exactly where I was headed but the gel print plate disagreed! I did end up getting a mono print on paper that I’ll use somewhere but it’s useless for the lesson. Maybe I’ll do some MeAnndering in the white areas or some stamping… Continue reading Always learning…

Nature and Art

I think all the rain has really caused Spring to SPRING around here. I’m finding all kinds of things to photograph on my walks… nature that has or will spark a work of art. Early yesterday I fished a tiny pale aqua colored bird’s egg shell out of our waterfall and set it on a… Continue reading Nature and Art

Heart Art Gone Awry

A couple weeks ago I was working on a new Heart MeAnndering video. When I finished stitching I wasn’t happy with one of the petals, so I ripped it out, fixed it and added some French knots. Then before editing I discovered that at some point during filming I must have left the camera on… Continue reading Heart Art Gone Awry

When the Wind Blows

We have had some Santa Ana winds recently, which are always scary because we are so prone to wildfires. Our Redbud tree has been wind stripped of most of her leaves. I walked out the other day and on the patio next to the tree saw this circle of leaves and asked my husband if… Continue reading When the Wind Blows

Something New and a Little Green

I was gifted an herb planter set for Mother’s Day (from my Mister), and even though they were in a sunny window, it wasn’t going well until I placed them outside in the (filtered) sun. At first I thought – In jars without drain holes, bad idea but… Now they are very happy and I… Continue reading Something New and a Little Green

Carving and Printing

I have had a small lino block for some time now but keep putting off carving it. There seems to be a bit of fear! In the meantime I have been carving Speedball Speedy Carve rubber and having a blast with it! Printing on silk organza, as well as hand painted and dyed cotton using… Continue reading Carving and Printing

Fabric is Just a Different Animal

There is just something about working on and with fabric that I love. As I have mentioned before – generally painting on fabric is more challenging than on paper, especially when trying to achieve a watercolor effect. Paint doesn’t move much, if at all, when placed on dry fabric. Even wet on wet has limited… Continue reading Fabric is Just a Different Animal