Triptych to Switzerland

This is “A Clear Necessity”, my entry to Quilt for Change – “Water is Life: Clean Water and Its Impact on the Lives of Women and Girls around the World.”  I’m excited to tell you that it has been selected to be part of the Quilt Challenge Exhibit which is scheduled to open at the Palais… Continue reading Triptych to Switzerland

Christmas Past

Ages ago I made this door decoration and used it for years. I’m sorry I don’t have a better photo but it was long before digital cameras. I remember it being fun to make and I loved that it was different from the usual round wreath. Just a tree branch, a couple large sleigh bells,… Continue reading Christmas Past

Not Just for the Holidays…

I have been have fun in the studio creating a this new piece. Soon I will be offering the online step by step lessons for creating this pretty poinsettia wall hanging (painting, stitching, and more) . I’ll teach how to make the flower center fabric beads too. The techniques could be used to make any… Continue reading Not Just for the Holidays…

Poinsettia Painting on Fabric

I’m working on some new online lessons which will include handmade fabric bead flower centers, free motion quilted poinsettia, and painting the poinsettia. Each of these techniques is accomplished using fabric treated with Terial Magic spray stabilizer. Here is a sneak peek of the poinsettia in progress. I look forward to sharing more about this… Continue reading Poinsettia Painting on Fabric

Overwhelmed but in a Good Way…

I have been finishing up some deadline projects and that feels good. There is always a bit of stress that goes with that and I often swear I’m not going to get myself into that situation again.  But then the mind starts going and the ideas start flowing and I’m at it again (my own… Continue reading Overwhelmed but in a Good Way…

Flower Power

We walked on Coronado Island this morning. There were beautiful and colorful gardens and flowers everywhere. I love flowers even though Kona (aka the cat) will inevitably chew on any that arrive in our home, they still brighten my day. When I lecture I often talk about how there really is something for everyone in… Continue reading Flower Power

Love a Parade?

We live in the city but we are part of a couple smaller communities whose business district has for the past 11 years held a Halloween parade know as the Boo Parade. It runs down “main street” which really isn’t a main street anymore but rather just one of the most used streets running east… Continue reading Love a Parade?