Heart Art Gone Awry

A couple weeks ago I was working on a new Heart MeAnndering video. When I finished stitching I wasn’t happy with one of the petals, so I ripped it out, fixed it and added some French knots. Then before editing I discovered that at some point during filming I must have left the camera on… Continue reading Heart Art Gone Awry

Fabric and Gunpowder!

I really enjoy the blog …And Then We Set It On Fire… The contributors are individual fiber artists who work in and explore a multitude of surface design techniques and more; sometimes working together. I once had the pleasure of being a guest artist on FIRE! One of their recent blog posts did more than… Continue reading Fabric and Gunpowder!

When the Wind Blows

We have had some Santa Ana winds recently, which are always scary because we are so prone to wildfires. Our Redbud tree has been wind stripped of most of her leaves. I walked out the other day and on the patio next to the tree saw this circle of leaves and asked my husband if… Continue reading When the Wind Blows

Finding Surface Designs

I lifted the lid off a cast iron pan after allowing it to cool for cleaning and discovered this… At first I thought – Oh, that’s cool, in a rusty, creepy sort of way, and then I looked again and thought, it looks familiar. I remembered coming across an old painting while I was organizing… Continue reading Finding Surface Designs

Carving and Printing

I have had a small lino block for some time now but keep putting off carving it. There seems to be a bit of fear! In the meantime I have been carving Speedball Speedy Carve rubber and having a blast with it! Printing on silk organza, as well as hand painted and dyed cotton using… Continue reading Carving and Printing

Fabric is Just a Different Animal

There is just something about working on and with fabric that I love. As I have mentioned before – generally painting on fabric is more challenging than on paper, especially when trying to achieve a watercolor effect. Paint doesn’t move much, if at all, when placed on dry fabric. Even wet on wet has limited… Continue reading Fabric is Just a Different Animal

Special Exhibit!

I’m happy to say that pieces from my Photograph on Fiber series will be one of the Special Exhibits at the 2016 San Diego Quilt Show. That link has all the information about the show. If you don’t already know, these pieces began as a collaboration with my son whose photograph of a lone leaf… Continue reading Special Exhibit!

Making Fabric, sort of…

I have been playing with a few fabric design ideas; some are hand painted, others are completely designed on the computer and I have scanned/photographed my hand painted fabric and altered them using software filters. I’m also collaborating with a talented artist (more about that later) and having pieces printed by Spoonflower. Speaking of Spoonflower… Continue reading Making Fabric, sort of…

Poinsettia Wall Hanging

I’m happy to let you know that my video – “How to Make a Painted and Quilted Poinsettia Wall Hanging”  is up on YouTube! It is three videos that include thirteen sections from how to stiffen the fabric, to painting and quilting, to attaching the branch for hanging. I used the quilled fabric beads from… Continue reading Poinsettia Wall Hanging

Art Imitating Nature…

As I mentioned recently we have had windy, rainy weather and that means a lot of palm fronds have sailed to the ground all over town. This reminded me to share the little art quilt below. A while ago I was experimenting with a piece of my hand painted fabric that had been treated with… Continue reading Art Imitating Nature…