Rock, Paper, Fabric, Glass

I remember someone being perplexed by quilters because we take fabric, cut it up, then put it back together again. It’s not just quilters; so much of art is cutting something up and reassembling it. Paper – My daughter recently gave me some of her (dry) wet palette and wipe-up papers. I paper collaged this… Continue reading Rock, Paper, Fabric, Glass

Sharing and Giveaway

I’m part of a (primarily) local quilter’s email newsletter started and run by a friend (done out of the goodness of her heart and to keep up her typing/computer skills). There are over 800 people on her list and she allows us to advertise our used quilt/sewing related items, as well as, list newsletters from… Continue reading Sharing and Giveaway

Painting Fur Fabric

Even with temperatures here around 90­° I found out that (homemade) texture paste takes a long time to dry and when rushed it cracks. The texture paste is going on my roadrunner piece, which won’t be done this week, so… In the meantime I started something new… I was filming a How-to paint fur fabric… Continue reading Painting Fur Fabric

Surface Show

I hoped to have my roadrunner piece finished but between the designing, cutting, and next drying time, it’s going to take longer than I thought it would. So, I’m sharing some pieces here, I’ve used different painting techniques on them. I’m sure I have shared some of them in the past but I think they… Continue reading Surface Show


I’m working on another project for Visions Art Museum Stir Crazy Member Challenge. I like to make a How-to video to go along with the project, it’ll be out in October and I’ll share it then. I had a slight mishap in the studio (roller cart tipped over when a caster came unscrewed). My (adult… Continue reading Focus

The All White Landscape

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m making a series of lessons showing how I make different elements for a mini fabric landscapes. What I neglected to mention is that I would be starting with white fabric (Thank you, Snarky Quilter!). Here is the piece in progress, which means these pieces are not attached… Continue reading The All White Landscape

Fabric Play

I was thinking about making some winter cards so I was playing, with sun-printing (again) using leatherleaf ferns and Setasilk and then painting with Neo Color wax pastels. The first three are from the same large piece, I’m floating a card stock “window” over it to find an area I like. I’m not sure where… Continue reading Fabric Play

Fabric Postcards!

For those of you who will be in San Diego, I will be teaching a class on Thursday, June 29, 2017 at Rosie’s Calico Cupboard quilt shop. The class title is “How to Make a Fabric Postcard.” We’ll use commercial fabric to make a basic postcard card and we’ll play with some surface design techniques… Continue reading Fabric Postcards!

Nature and Art

I think all the rain has really caused Spring to SPRING around here. I’m finding all kinds of things to photograph on my walks… nature that has or will spark a work of art. Early yesterday I fished a tiny pale aqua colored bird’s egg shell out of our waterfall and set it on a… Continue reading Nature and Art

Taking a walk…

One of my “kids” had an appointment and the other was going to the zoo to take photographs so I tagged along. I walked through Balboa Park which is where our world famous zoo is, stopping at the reflecting pond, it was nice to see this artist painting. It was a beautiful day and the… Continue reading Taking a walk…