When a Yarn is More Than a Yarn

Not too long ago after spending some time (quality time!) walking through the wonderful exhibits at Visions Art Museum, I went for a stroll through the verandas at Liberty Station and noticed a light and airy shop that had yarn, beautiful yarn. I walked in and was greeted by Sara, the owner of Apricot Yarn. I… Continue reading When a Yarn is More Than a Yarn


My daughter and I have been starting our morning walks in the dark lately. This morning many of the Halloween decorations were still lit so I snapped a few pictures. They aren’t very good but you may get an idea of what some people in the neighboring hood do for this time of year. I… Continue reading Treats…

This Time of Year…

I was almost a Halloween baby having been born the day before and have always enjoyed the end of October. When our kids were little I loved making their costumes and painting their faces. My daughter is an artist and draws original cards for most special occasions around here and they usually feature a cat.… Continue reading This Time of Year…

Treasure Tray

I’m not a scrapbooker… But in my studio I have a this tray which holds bits and pieces from people and places; little reminders of trips we’ve (mostly they have) taken or simply items of a shared love or interest. The can and do inspire my art. I love lines… An oolite (I do believe)… Continue reading Treasure Tray

Painting Fabric Pinwheels

I rarely make patriotic art but I wanted to make pinwheels using fabric and paint and since the 4th of July is approaching this turned out to be one of those rare occasions. I reached for the Terial Magic spray stabilizer. It worked great, making the fabric behave like paper. Here is the finished piece… Continue reading Painting Fabric Pinwheels

Fabric Postcards!

For those of you who will be in San Diego, I will be teaching a class on Thursday, June 29, 2017 at Rosie’s Calico Cupboard quilt shop. The class title is “How to Make a Fabric Postcard.” We’ll use commercial fabric to make a basic postcard card and we’ll play with some surface design techniques… Continue reading Fabric Postcards!

Bloggers Moving On

I have been a follower of a wonderful blog, I have mentioned in the past, And Then We Set It On Fire… Today it was announced that the contributors will no longer be posting new posts. I’m sad but totally understand. I will miss the inspiration and great techniques that have been shared by the… Continue reading Bloggers Moving On

Nature and Art

I think all the rain has really caused Spring to SPRING around here. I’m finding all kinds of things to photograph on my walks… nature that has or will spark a work of art. Early yesterday I fished a tiny pale aqua colored bird’s egg shell out of our waterfall and set it on a… Continue reading Nature and Art

Taking a walk…

One of my “kids” had an appointment and the other was going to the zoo to take photographs so I tagged along. I walked through Balboa Park which is where our world famous zoo is, stopping at the reflecting pond, it was nice to see this artist painting. It was a beautiful day and the… Continue reading Taking a walk…